Interests & Curiosities

Other Interests

Omega Laser –

Low Level Laser Therapy (LLLT sometimes referred to as Photobiomodulation) increases recovery rates for many conditions. Katherine offers LLLT and Red Light Therapy to people and animals.

Katherine is an agent for ArcEquine –

Microcurrents pass between cells to promote healing. The ArcEquine encourages this healing activity. Katherine has been using ArcEquine since 2015 and is an agent.

Katherine is an agent for Harmony Hay Feeder –

And has been using Harmony Trickle Hay Feeders since early 2017.


AlignmentHORSE with founder Liz VanRoss

Liz has been training Katherine in AlignmentHORSE (previously known as EquiAlign) since early 2020 … some blogs are percolating on this subject!

Hoof Guided Method with founder Maureen Tierney

Katherine was studying HGM by correspondence course with Maureen from 2015 and trimming her own horses’ hooves … with some amazing results. The farrier who had previously been shoeing one of the horses for over 10 years was surprised at the rehabilitation of hooves that he thought could never show such improvement in conformation, wall and sole condition, strength and thickness. “Now” he said “there’s something to nail a shoe on” … hmmm, or maybe not! For anyone who has worked with Maureen, and for all horses benefited by her work, it is heart-breaking that she died on 25th December 2017. Her work continues as a testament to her and a tribute to all the horses she loved and understood so well.

Horse Speak / PEBLS (Precise Equine Body Language Skills) and Sirius Speak with founder Sharon Wilsie

A fascinating approach to communicating with horses … and also dogs!

Motiva Training –

In nature, horses live in herds and constantly communicate with each other. Most of their discussions relate to working out which horse is the reliable leader. Domesticated horses communicate with horses and human beings around them but most of the time human beings ignore the horses, who consequently don’t expect a sensible answer from us (in which case we cannot be accepted as worthwhile leaders) … unless we’ve learned the language from Gertrud Pysall. She analysed the vocabulary of horse communication and teaches people how to engage with horses and have a meaningful conversation. Using Motiva Training, it is possible to persuade a horse that we are not dumb but that we can be worthwhile and trustworthy leaders. Katherine has been training with Gertrud since Spring 2017.

Rosie Withey’s “Horses as Teachers” Equine Facilitated Learning –

Rosie’s work inspires “… you to live a life true to yourself”. How many of us block our feelings in order to ‘power through’? Then we may wonder why our horses over-react to the emotional baggage we bring with us. Rosie’s masterly guidance helps us navigate our way back to ourselves; to being in touch with our emotions and our horses.

Clare Frost’s Equine Breathing –

Clare found great personal health benefits from using Buteyko Breathing and was inspired to create Equine Breathing for horses. Breathing in this manner encourages horses to drop into a calm zone where their energies can be channelled into healing rather than being on alert to deal with potential dangers. Katherine found out about Clare’s work in January 2018 and has been using it with her horses … running case studies on both Kizmet and Conquer with 3-month research trials (the results are on Clare’s website). Within those three months of Spring (usually times for triggering immune system reaction to biting insects and previously Conquer would have shown extreme itchiness, baldness and even lacerations) Conquer’s skin remained furry. Both horses showed physical and mental improvements.

Waterhole Rituals – Carolyn Resnick –

From 2011 for a few years Katherine studied on-line and in person with Carolyn Resnick and used the Waterhole Rituals which helped to make significant progress with rehabilitating her rescue horse.

School of Légèreté with founder Philippe Karl –

Katherine attended 3 clinics every year from 2010-2014 and many of the UK clinics thereafter to learn from Monsieur Karl. Riding Kizmet without contradictory signals was a revelation to both horse and rider (for example, no longer using hand and leg at the same time or expecting the horse to understand a leg aide as both a stop and a go instruction).

Science of Motion with founder Jean-Luc Cornille –

The Science of Motion describes a fascinating journey into rehabilitating broken horses, especially those suffering from kissing spines and other debilitating conditions.

Andrew McLean’s Equine Behavioural Centre – – and “Academic Horse Training” …

… analyses the science behind training. How do you train the behaviour that you want whilst taking into account the natural reactions and instinctive responses of your horse?

Zoe Henderson’s Intuitive Healing –

Zoe is an intuitive healer and animal communicator. Katherine has consulted her on many occasions and organizes her Herefordshire schedule.

Radionics Therapy –

Katherine consulted Jane Curtis for herself, her family and animals for a number of years. Jane’s work has proved tremendously supportive.

Equine Stress Control Therapy –

Barbara Wright has created ESCT to help horses recover from trauma. Her website is very informative. The work has been developed out of therapies used with human beings (EMDR – Eye Movement Desensitisation and Reprocessing – and EFT – Emotional Freedom Technique) both of which Katherine has personally found to be helpful. ESCT is a really interesting and easy way to help horses.

Horse & Land Management

Katherine’s current focus is on improving ways of keeping horses and helping the land to recover, regenerate and support the horses; so that horses and land are nurtured, the microbiome of both enhanced and the condition of neither horse nor land trashed. Anna Curtis of HumbleHooves and other enlightened members of the Equine Podiatry Association like Helen Stowell of MuddyHooves have inspired Katherine to experiment … with composting (Bokashi bins, Hot Composting, the teachings of Dr Elaine Ingham and the use of EM1), improving equine pastures & environmentally friendly weed management (mostly through improved soil structure and condition), enhancing time management and efficiency in supporting horses and pasture, the Equicultural / Equicentral systems of Jane and Stuart Myers … and any other teaching that promotes environmental, equine and human well-being (there’s no end)!

Composting … Rocket Composters

We test-drove the Tidy Planet A500 Rocket Composter and in our new barn/field-shelter project we have an A900 to compost all of the horse muck (we may need two A900s to cope with 4 horses, we will have to see) … some blogs are percolating also on this subject!

Equine Nutrition with Dr Christina Fritz and Sanoanimal

This is a subject fraught with confusion and vested interests. Since 2020 Katherine has been learning from Dr Christina Fritz of Sanoaminal how many traditional equine feeding practice are deleterious and actually how simple a horse’s diet needs to be to ensure optimal health. Dr Fritz may be contacted via her website or her UK consultant, Lorraine Dearnley, is an enthusiastic and supportive advocate of her work


Katherine has researched human diets and fasting for optimum health, most recently with the help of the nutritionist Paul Foley

Facial Treatment & Healing –

Beth Gagnon has a healing oasis in the heart of London. Book to see Beth when you need a special treat. Even if you cannot meet her, you can benefit from her healing skills by using “The Gel” (a girl – or horse – shouldn’t leave home without it).


Jack and Katherine currently have two black labrador retrievers (after sadly losing their lovely chocolate Mousse in 2023) and the Kennel Club name of Kaemawr for the litters they breed from time-to-time and They have explored a variety of interesting paths towards mutually enjoyable relationships with their dogs (such as Jan Fennel’s Amichien Bonding, the Calming Signals of Turid Rugaas and Horse Speak / Sirius Speak) and with regard to feeding.