“Why You Need AlignmentHORSE” lecture/demo with Liz VanRoss 6pm 14th February


2 hour lecture-demo by Liz VanRoss of “Why You Need AlignmentHORSE” to transform your equitation experience

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AlignmentHORSE: A Powerful New Approach to Equine Development and Riding Fun & Success. 2 hour lecture-demo with Liz VanRoss at The Fortune Centre, New Forest.

Liz VanRoss gives you the keys to unlock equestrian prowess. This is an evening to learn about AlignmentHORSE, a powerful way to revolutionise your equestrian experience. Liz VanRoss will explain why understanding the “Laws of Locomotion” resolves your frustrations with achieving your ambitions.

For anyone attending the Mini-Clinic 17-18 February at The Fortune Centre, Friday evening 14th February will provide the perfect introduction and theoretical understanding of the practical application that will be explored on Monday and Tuesday.

The evening lecture-demo will provide the taster to help everyone else decide whether 17-18 February is their can’t miss/’must do’ opportunity. And for anyone unable to attend the Mini-Clinic, on Friday evening you will get the chance to meet Liz VanRoss and to start your journey (in person or online) to transforming your equine experience.

AlignmentHORSE qualifies for CPD for RDA Coaches.